Resources in this section curated by: Cameron Teubner-Keller
Dead by Daylight Discussion | Discord Chat
This photo is from an online public discord server for the community that plays the game Dead by Daylight. The server allows for general chatting between members and constantly shows pragmatic strategies being used. Whether it’s slang, responding, humor, or other pragmatic features of language, it’s extensive in the general chat. General chats give opportunities for learners to observe, analyze, and extend pragmatic knowledge. Since the server is public, anyone from any community can join, leading to intercultural communication.
Funny interaction with a player after a game | Reddit Post
This post shows an interaction between players in a game-chat. One of the players uses “lol” to make his critique of another player sound more light-hearted. The following comments on the reddit post discuss the use of “lol” and other possible ways to do the same thing. One person suggests using “lmao” to really make it seem like you’re not salty when you are. Reddit posts like this are great for learners to observe and discuss pragmatic examples in the gaming context.
Why “No Problem” Can Seem Rude: Phatic Expressions | Reddit Post
This post on the r/RocketLeague subreddit showcases the phatic expressions and humor/sarcasm present in the online multiplayer game Rocket League. In this game, players use "quick chats" (pre-written short messages) to communicate with teammates and enemies. One of these chats is the 'no problem!' quick chat, which is used to maintain a positive mental (term for having a strong mental strength and not getting overly frustrated) between teammates when something bad happens. However, some players use it sarcastically when someone does something bad for humor. Through this game, players can learn about sarcasm and how to use simple phatic expressions.
Rocket League: 20 Unspoken Rules Every Beginner Should Know | Article
These "unspoken rules" of Rocket League are actually pragmatic knowledge for the digital game. Some of these rules have to do with quick chats, others have to do with different game-play strategies that should or should not be used. Following these rules is essential for avoiding miscommunication and having positive interactions with other players during game play, just as having pragmatic knowledge about a target language can help avoid miscommunication with expert speakers.
Apex Legends From Start To Finish - Real English for Gamers | Article
This article discusses how Apex Legends could be a good game for learners of English to practice language skills, as it requires consistent communication with teammates. The article is unique however, as it covers different stages of gameplay and uses popular video clips to explain relevant terminology, phrases, and language functions necessary for communication. This allows learners to have visual and auditory input and observation before analyzing and extending the knowledge they've observed.
Pragmatic Skills Series: Apps that promote social skills! | Blog Post
This website/blog for speech-language pathologists includes a list of apps/games that are used in therapy rooms for teaching pragmatic skills. The blog post prices of each and the skills they assist learners with. These apps could be helpful for learners as self-study tools or for teachers, especially with younger learners.