Greetings in French

Greetings in French


Resources in this section curated by: Illena Trebont

Greetings (Small Talk) in French | Article

This webpage is authored by CARLA (Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition) and explains French social norms regarding making small talk. Critically, this webpage explains how French greetings and small talk can differ from English greetings and small talk. The webpage is written in English, making it accessible for learners of all levels. 

The Ultimate Guide to Greetings in French | Article

This article teaches learners how to greet someone, respond to greetings, use secondary greetings, and leave taking strategies depending on the level of formality the situation requires. The article also includes information about how to write emails and answer the phone politely. Although students often learn a few conventional greetings in the L2 classroom, these greetings are often insufficient for using their L2 in the real world with native speakers because the greetings that are considered polite vary based on context. This article provides students with guidance about which phrase they should use depending on the level of formality that is required with their interlocutor.