Solidarity in Turkish

Apologizing in Turkish


Resources in this section curated by: Ayse Dilay Eroglu


#IamsayingSORRYinL2thinkingL1norms | Anvill Video (UO Account Required)

#ImnotsayingSorry | Anvill Video (UO Account Required)

#IsaySorrybut | Anvill Video  (UO Account Required)

#IsaySorrybut #itispartlymyfault | Anvill Video  (UO Account Required)

#Sayingsorryishumiliating | Anvill Video  (UO Account Required)

Positive aspects of saying thank you instead of apologizing with cartoons | Article

This article gives information about how we can use Thank you instead of saying sorry to repair some situation. Advanced level students can read the article and examine each situation which were represented as comics. The article mainly concerns using different words and approaching situations to create a more positive atmosphere. This could be a good discussion topic.

I'm Sorry Sayings: 30 Impressive Apology Messages | Article

This article is about how to say sorry in Turkish and gives people some tips. It can be used as an observation activity for advanced level learners. They can analyse it via Subjectivity, Knowledge, Analysis, and Awareness, and extend it to different situations considering the solidarity.


This is a street prank video in which the guy apologizes to random people too many times and records the reactions of other people. I think this is an authentic material to teach cultural norms of apologies in Turkish community.

Role Play Situation Cards | Activity

Card 1: You have accidentally run over your neighbor’s cat with your car. The cat is injured and needs medical attention.

Card 2: You are in office hours with your professor and you spill your coffee all over their desk. Many of your professor’s papers have been stained by the coffee.

Card 3: You have forgotten your girlfriend/boyfriend’s birthday. Because of this, you don’t have a gift for them.

Card 4: Someone has bought donuts for the office. You eat the last donut without asking anyone if they would like it, and it turns out one of your co-workers wanted it

Card 5: You work at Starbucks, and one of your customers requests soy milk, because they are allergic to dairy. You serve them a coffee with regular milk, and they begin to drink it, and have an allergic reaction to it.

  • Students work in groups and pick cards from the apology phrases pool. (Knowledge)
  • They work on their apologies for different people with different social status. They prepare how they would use apology strategies (Analysis and Subjectivity)
  • Students present their work in front of the classroom and the classmates give feedback on their work.(Analysis and Awareness)