Advice in Non-Lang Specific

Digital Games: Not Language Specific


Resources in this section curated by: Cameron Teubner-Keller

How to learn languages with video games | YouTube Video

This video discusses how video games can be used for language learning. The creator goes over possible benefits such as making studying fun, simulating immersion, exposure to rare vocabulary, and context-based learning. Dialogue-based games are more helpful than action-based games as they give the learners more exposure to the target language.

Polyglot shocks native speakers in VRChat | YouTube Video

In this video, YouTuber Ikenna, plays the virtual reality game VR Chat. Throughout the video, Ikenna interacts with expert-level speakers of multiple languages. This video showcases the great potential that games have for giving learners contexts to actually use the target language and interact with expert speakers of their target language.

VRChat Etiquette – Unspoken Rules of VRChat | Article

These "unspoken rules" for VRChat cover common game etiquette practices. People often forget that even in virtual reality, they are still interacting with real people. For teachers and learners using this game for language learning purposes, it is essential to be aware of the acceptable and appropriate norms of the community/server one is joining. This is especially important when joining servers for practicing languages, where practicing the acceptable pragmatic/cultural norms is just as important as practicing the language. Understanding digital game norms and pragmatics is also important for language learners as the internet becomes an ever-increasing part of our lives.

VR chat etiquette? | Reddit Post

This is a reddit post covering similar topics of VRChat etiquette. The comments section of the post includes a discussion by players. This would be useful for learners and teachers alike who want to ask questions before playing or simply discuss certain pragmatic points with actual players of the game.

Socializing in VR Chat | Reddit Post

This reddit user discusses how VRChat assisted him in becoming more social. The discussion in the comments is centered on how virtual reality helps a lot for people with social anxiety, which is another important element of the potential use of VR in language classrooms. 

Acquisition can be anxiety-inducing for socially anxious language learners because pragmatics requires using language in situated contexts with real world consequences. Therefore, VR can be especially helpful for learners with low willingness to communicate in the classroom; VR can provide situational contexts with low-stakes yet real consequences for learners to practice their pragmatics.

Learn a Language in VR Scenarios with these Apps | Blog Post

This post reviews current virtual reality games and apps made for language learning. The author discusses the importance of immersion and how VR can make up for a lack in actual communities of practice. These games allow learners to be immersed in specific contexts and use the target language to complete tasks. Using language functions/skills in VR allows learners to connect what they are told about language to actual experiences.

Players Leap Language Barriers | New York Times Article

This article discusses the mobile game Game of War: Fire Age and its potential to translate languages in real time to allow communication between monolingual speakers of different languages. Players in the game provide translations when the automatic system can’t do it, which are then used by the system in the future to assist in future translations. Ideally learners would be using their L2, so it is possible for learners to set the game up to translate into their L2 or to turn off the translator in general. However, there are still benefits from seeing how translations might differ slightly from expert language use, and intercultural pragmatic communication is still present.

Mondly AR: Augmented Reality Language Learning | Mobile Game

Mondly AR is a mobile augmented reality language-learning game. It uses mobile phones as a lens for augmenting reality. This game assists in learning a language by adding random objects, such as animals, into a nearby space that can be viewed through the phone. The game also provides "real-life" conversation with their AI bot, "Mondly". The AI uses gestures and facial expressions along with the target language to create dynamic interactions. It also gives instant feedback on pronunciation. This app could be a possible language learning game that could be implemented into classroom instruction.

Using MMOGs for Language Learning | YouTube Video

This video from the CASLS center at the University of Oregon explains how one can use MMOGs for language learning. A step-by-step guide is included on how to get started, from finding a game that has players who use the target language, to learning the game through guides in the target language, to observing other players' language use, and finally playing along using the target language!

Live Game Chat | Meme

This is a meme depicting multilingualism in the gaming community. It shows how gaming can be a great context for learners to have exposure to different languages as well as how they can use their L2s to express themselves in communicative ways.

Fanfic Etiquette? | Reddit Post

This reddit user requested information about etiquette for fanfic websites, asking questions such as:

  • Is it considered lame to reply to reviews?
  • Is it creepy/stalkery to leave kudos or comments on the same "fic"?
  • Do you want to know if you made a grammar mistake?

These questions demonstrate how even websites such as fan fiction sites have their own pragmatics and appropriate discourse skills. The use of words such as lame or creepy show that the reddit user is considering the perlocutionary effects of their writing, or how they will be perceived by others in the community. This is an example of how participating on these sites can be helpful for practicing writing skills, especially if people point out grammar mistakes, as the comments on the post imply.

Learning by playing: serious game teaches intercultural skills | YouTube Video

This YouTube video showcases a game being used by the ESCP Europe Business School to teach students intercultural skills. In this case, it specifically teaches intercultural management and workplace skills, which are still pragmatic skills that language learners must learn as well. Video game usage provides versatility for teaching intercultural communication skills.

Ikenna | YouTube Channel

This channel was created by a man who enjoys learning languages. He currently knows 7 languages, makes videos about playing video games, and interacts with speakers of other languages. He is currently creating his own language learning game. In his videos, he utilizes his language skills to have intercultural, multilingual interactions. In doing so, he is also learning pragmatic skills required to speak in those languages. By speaking with expert speakers of languages, he refines his own language skills.

Is It Possible To Learn A Language Playing Video Games? | Article

This article discusses the use of video games for language learning. Video games provide in-context learning, repetition, and listening and reading practice. They often have related digital spaces where  people interact with those who speak the target language (online forums, message boards, etc.). The article describes in detail different gaming platforms and how to get access to games in a target language, as well as specific games and their language options.

Learn or Die! 5 Epic Ways to Learn Languages by Playing Video Games | Blog Post

This blog post discusses how one can learn languages with video games. However, this one focuses heavily on popular commercial games such as Call of Duty and Borderlands. Although it includes apps and children's games, the article focuses heavily on commercial games, their available languages, and why learners might be interested in them.

Escape From Byru’Moxia | Online Game

This game focuses on intercultural competence and uses a game-like narrative to teach learners how pragmatic factors such as power, social distance, and severity might show up in language use. By playing, learners become aware of how these dynamics present themselves in everyday communication. Players solve puzzles related to these pragmatic factors to be able to move forward in the game, which helps them learn appropriateness of language choices based on illocutionary and perlocutionary effects.